Partial Dentures

What is a partial denture?

A removable appliance used to replace missing teeth. Recommended to take out at night. There are different types of partial dentures and can be made from different materials.

How can I benefit from a partial denture?

A partial can replace multiple missing teeth at a fraction of the cost of bridge and implants.

Types of partial dentures

Temporary partial/interim partial/flipper/healing partial

This type of partial is made before teeth are extracted. Once teeth are extracted the partial is placed immediately in the mouth so the patient does not walk around with visible missing teeth. You usually have a temporary partial for 6 weeks-3 months of healing and it is not recommended to eat with it. 


Resin base partials

Replace missing teeth. This partial denture is flexible, esthetic because it is not made with metal and you can eat with it. 

Metal base partials

These partial dentures are made with metal for sturdiness and longevity. You can eat with these. 


Hybrid partial

These partial dentures are made with both metal and resin for the most esthetic look and sturdy partial. They are long lasting and made for eating.

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